Login [Mobile]

4 minute read

Simple mobile reversing challenge (that doesn’t require much mobile knowledge XD). First mobile challenge from DSO-NUS 2021.

FlashyLighty [Mobile]

5 minute read

Mobile reversing challenge that uses time of execution to check for conditions. Third mobile challenge from DSO-NUS 2021.

Three Trials [RE]

5 minute read

Simple reversing challenge with some math. First RE challenge from DSO-NUS 2021.

Insecure [Pwn]

3 minute read

Exploit a program that changes user privilege to root with setuid() to escalate privilege. First pwn challenge from DSO-NUS 2021.

NyaVM [RE]

5 minute read

Read. Understand. Patch. Get flag. A cool challenge that requires patching binaries. Second RE challenge from DSO-NUS 2021.